Online Resources

Creativebug offers online video arts and crafts workshops and techniques. Learn how to paint, knit, crochet, sew, screen print, and more.
Driving Services provides free access to DMV practice tests.
BiblioBoard, the PatronsFirst® digital library offered by BiblioLabs offers seamless, unlimited access to multimedia content for library patrons.

Explore the skilled trades, get the training you need, connect with prospective employers, and start your career.

About Educate Station:
Developed by experienced and passionate educators from across the United States, Educate Station helps libraries support their communities by providing quality educational content for homeschooling families and teachers.
Educate Station currently has a full curriculum for grades Pre-K through Fifth Grade, presented in a recommended learning sequence of printable packets. The primary subjects are:
· English Language Arts
· Math
· Science
· Social Studies
· Social-Emotional Learning
Leave the planning to Educate Station with our Weekly and Monthly Learning Plans!

Hoopla is a library media streaming platform for audiobooks, comics, e-books, movies, music, TV and it's all FREE thanks to your public library!

Libby is the newer library reading app by OverDrive. Borrow eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from your local library for free!

Boundless gives library users the ability to search, browse and discover ebooks and/or digital audiobooks. is a suite of resources - available to everyone in Illinois at no charge and is located on the Biblioboard app. supports local authors with online creation and publishing tools and allow readers to access locally-produced content.